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A full lawn, faster.

Landscaping Tri-States Dubuque mulch gravel lawn care snow removal sod bricks flowers pavers hedge trimming hydroseeding

Why choose hydroseeding?

Landscaping Tri-States Dubuque mulch gravel lawn care snow removal sod bricks flowers pavers hedge trimming hydroseeding


After an area has had the top soil removed or reshaped, you'll want to get grass growing back as soon as possible.  This is especially important if the area is on a slope or grade due to the possibility of erosion or water damage. Because the grass seeds are wrapped in a careful mixture of mulch, moisture sticks with those seeds longer and ensures germination within 7-10 days. 


Landscaping Tri-States Dubuque mulch gravel lawn care snow removal sod bricks flowers pavers hedge trimming hydroseeding


The hydroseeding mixture is a combination of mulch, fertilizer, grass seed and water.  The soupy substance is sprayed and clings to the soil to promote accelerated grass growth in areas that could sometimes take weeks to even sprout.  With hydroseeding, the growing process is rapid and most lawns will experience growth within a week!

Landscaping Tri-States Dubuque mulch gravel lawn care snow removal sod bricks flowers pavers hedge trimming hydroseeding

Less Cost

In addition to the already mentioned benefits of hydroseeding, let's not forget about the cost and labor savings.  Most property owners who are looking for a quick lawn consider using sod until they realize it can be 4 times the price as hydroseeding.  You'll also be responsible for the extreme labor of laying it.  After it's down, you'll need to spend countless hours watering sod, hoping it roots properly to your soil and survives.  

Skip the risk, call now to schedule your hydroseeding!

Landscaping Tri-States Dubuque mulch gravel lawn care snow removal sod bricks flowers pavers hedge trimming hydroseeding
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